About us

The Archibald Knox Forum(AKForum) was set up by Chris and Mary Hobdell in January 2017.

It is a Manx charity and relies on donations and membership fees for its existence.

It has one clear objective – “the advancement of the education of the public, both in the Isle of Man and world-wide, in relation to the work and legacy of Archibald Knox, namely the Manx artist/designer of that name born in the Isle of Man in 1864 and who died there in 1933.”

A free, quarterly newsletter is produced and these are sent out by email to those on the newsletter mailing list.

In the summer months there are either a drop–in centre event at Braddan Church Hall on the Isle of Man, or a group visit to sites of Knox interest.

Talks are also given to groups who request them and these are reported upon in the newsletters. The talks are free but if people wish to make a donation to the AKForum that is greatly appreciated. Films and a small exhibition of Knox's work are usually shown at such talks.