
Welcome to the website of The Archibald Knox Forum (AKForum) - a charity set up in the Isle of Man to reach out to the world in order to promote the work and legacy of the great Manx designer of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Through these pages we want you to experience and enjoy the beauty, simplicity and sheer volume of Knox’s work in the fields of design, art and teaching.

As you go through the pages feel free to contact the AKForum if you feel that there are any errors, or if you have any amendments, points or observations you wish to make. It is a dynamic site, built so that amendments and additions can be made as and when new information and/or research comes to light.

The Directors hope you find this site of interest and that it helps you come closer to “Archie” and all the facets of his work, life and legacy.

This is an ongoing project and more images, descriptions, research will be added on a regular basis.

If you have any Knox items, or images of Knox items which you feel should be added to this website/database please contact us so that eventually this can be the most informative collection of information about Knox, his life, work and legacy in the world.

For a fuller knowledge of Archibald Knox one cannot better the iconic book “Archibald Knox” by Dr. Stephen A Martin, published by Artmedia Press in 2001.

We say one cannot do better but Dr. Martin’s new book will contain over 1,000 new images.

Watch this space!