
Date made: 1914-1918
Artist: Knox, Archibald
Description: The calligraphy reads 'In prayers of patriarchs, predictions of prophets'. Page fifteen of bound volume.
Materials: watercolour on paper
Object name: book
Collection: Art Collection
ID number: 1958-0202/15

This is Page 15 of the bound volume of The Deer's Cry at the Manx Museum.

The belt or wrist band possibility mentioned for pages 13 and 14 remains for Page 15 but the colours used in the illustration are quite different. They seem to be the colour of the earth, grass and trees, and may be showing that the Patriarchs and Prophets are of the earth whilst the previous two pages are not of the natural world - Page 13 being Angels and Archangels and Page 14 being about the Resurrection.
The sentences above are subjective and personal thoughts. No doubt Knox was portraying many symbols and meanings in this page but they are beyond me at present.

The Archibald Knox Forum would like to hear your thoughts, ideas and comments on any of the pages from The Deer's Cry.