
Date made: 1914-1918
Artist: Knox, Archibald
Description: The calligraphy reads 'God's way to lie before me'. Page thirty-six of bound volume.
Materials: watercolour on paper
Object name: book
Collection: Art Collection
ID number: 1958-0202/36

This is Page 36 of the bound volume of The Deer's Cry at the Manx Museum.

"God's way to lie before me." This illustration shows God;s "Way" is straight and narrow and "God" is there, on all sides, to help keep one on the narrow path. Perhaps the black circles show the negative outcomes of not following the correct path? Overall the way is the way of the cross. Although this is a very intricate design at least two of the Knox designed memorial stones on the Isle of Man show a simplified version of this well known Celtic cross pattern - John Knox's grave in Lezayre graveyard and Jane Ashburner's grave in Douglas Borough cemetery. I have added photos of the 2 memorials next to this post.on Facebook.

The words in the above paragraph are just my personal and subjective thoughts. Knox must have had so many ideas and thoughts behind this page and the other pages which, perhaps, we will never know.

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