In Vol. 1 No. 2, page 86 of the "Mannin" magazine dated November 1913 is a beautifully illuminated poem by Archibald Knox entitled Renshent.
Renshent is an area close to Eairy in the Isle of Man, and within the area is the remains of a very early Keeill (Christian chapel from between the 8th and 12th centuries). The Keeill has no dedication but the name Renshent comes from Rheynn sheaynt, the Manx Gaelic for ‘blest division’, and was originally part of the "Abbey Lands".
Knox must have written the poem after having laid beside the Keeill which still had some parts of its walls intact in 1913. However, in 1916 much of the stonework was "robbed" and what is left today is mainly a thick growth of raised heather on the site.
Below is the illuminated poem from" Mannin" .