Textile design for Silver Studio 2

Brief description

Textile fabric

Dimensions   height: 350mm   width: 630mm

Organisation   Liberty & Co. Ltd|||Silver Studio

Person   Archibald Knox


The design for this textile appears in the Silver Studio's photographic records for around 1900 (Studio number 12576). The accompanying daybooks, which would have provided details of designer and manufacturer, have been lost, so it is impossible to give a definitive attribution to Knox, but there are strong stylistic similarities with other designs known to be by him, such as 51 & 56.A woven textile featuring an Art Nouveau pattern of stylised flowers, including tulips, and leaves, arranged in squares, in ochre and green, on a red ground. The textile design is by the Silver Studio and appears in the Studio's photographic records for around 1900 (Studio Number 12576). This design has previously been attributed to Archibald Knox for the Silver Studio. Accompanying daybooks, which would have provided details of designer and manufacturer, have been lost, so it is impossible to give a definitive attribution to Knox, but there are strong stylistic similarities with other designs known to be by him.

Date 1898

Photograph and description courtesy of Museum of Modern Domestic Design and Architecture (MoDA), Middlesex University, London.