Manufacturer Liberty & Co.
Designer Archibald Knox
Description A fine silver & ivory 7 piece tea/coffee service from the Liberty 'Cymric' range.
Country of Manufacture England
Date 1903, 1905 & 1908
Marks Coffee pot & hot milk jug, 'L&Co., Cymric, 5108, B’ham 1903' Three piece tea set, ‘L&Co., Cymric, 5108, B’ham 1905.’ Tray, ‘L&Co., 5108, B’ham 1905. Kettle on stand, L&Co., B’ham 1905.’
Size Height of kettle on stand: 30cms, length of tray 52cms
Other Information Ref: The Designs of Archibald Knox. A.J. Tilbrook Page 70 for catalogue design of tea set.
Archibald Knox Stephen A. Martin, 2001. Pages 196-203 images of similar services.
Photograph and description courtesy of Titus Omega.